Taking The TExES For Teacher Certification
The Texas Education Agency requires that everyone interested becoming a teacher in the Texas public school system have an educator certification. This is awarded after satisfactory performance on comprehensive examinations. These examinations are given to ensure that each teacher has the prerequisite content and professional knowledge necessary for an entry-level position in the state public schools.
The examinations are called the Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) and are criterion-referenced examinations designed to measure your knowledge in relation to an established criterion instead of to the performance of other test takers. All of the tests in the TExES program contain multiple-choice questions. Some tests also have additional types of questions such as open-ended written or oral responses. The foundation for the TExES series are the TExES Educator Standards which, in turn, are based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
Each TExES exam is administered by a testing vendor, currently the Educational Testing Service. Test takers need to register and get an approval to test. If you want to become certified to teach any science in secondary school, you will need to take exam 160, Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (EC-Grade 12) and exam 136, Science (Grades 8-12). If you want to be certified in a specific science content or want more information about individual exams and their composition, see the preparation manual for each exam.